Male Bioidentical Hormone Optimization

As we age, testosterone replacement becomes increasingly essential for men and their vitality. Reclaim your energy and stamina with our VitalityBoost TRT program designed to optimize your testosterone levels and improve quality of life.

Benefits of Hormone Optimization

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) not only increases energy levels, stamina, lean muscle mass, and mood, it also improves overall well-being and aids in the prevention of symptoms and conditions of aging and chronic disease states. Rediscover your peak performance and elevate your quality of life with our personalized and effective approach.

  • Improved Mood

  • Weight Management

  • Mental Clarity

  • Improved Sex Drive

  • More Energy

  • Better Sleep



 If you ever have questions or need guidance at any point, remember that we offer complimentary 15-minute consultations to ensure your peace of mind and confidence in your wellness journey.


Initial Consultation & Lab Review
Schedule an initial consultation with one of our providers to ensure TRT is your best treatment option. Our team will create a personalized plan designed to address your unique health issues and goals.


If the provider determines you are not a candidate based on your lab results they will work with you to develop an alternative treatment plan to help you reach your health goals.


Lab Work:
Obtain essential lab work to determine your medical eligibility and identify your baseline hormone levels.

Obtain a lab requisition from us for your required tests, take to the lab along with your health insurance card. Alternatively, pay out-of-pocket for lab work and utilize our preferred partners at East Side Laboratory in RI or Quest in MA.

Labs required: Total & Free Testosterone, Estradiol, CBC w/diff, CMP, PSA, Thyroid Panel


Start Your Treatment:
Start your hormone therapy treatment with injectable, topical or pellet therapy. Results are noticeable after 1 to 1.5 months.

Plans Starting at $195/Month

Includes cost of all medications delivered directly to you, lifestyle and supplement recommendations, active monitoring and check-ins, and 1 full consultation with a provider every 6 months - including body composition tracking on our SECA Machine.

*The cost of the lab review is nonrefundable even if you are not medically eligible for Hormone Balancing Therapy. Our provider will discuss alternative options if that is the case.


  • Testosterone levels start to decline in your 30’s and 40’s and we are seeing men feeling the symptoms of low T earlier due to poor lifestyle, being overweight, stress, poor sleep, and chronic health conditions. If you are dealing with hypogonadism (low testosterone/low sex drive), testosterone can help improve many of your symptoms while you work on improving other areas in your life that contributed to low testosterone. If your testosterone is lower because you are older, bringing your levels of testosterone up to the levels you had when you were younger can definitely help with energy, stamina, overall well-being, and help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.

  • Treatment comes in several varieties: injection, topical cream or gel applied once or twice daily, or as pellets inserted under the skin of the buttocks. At Ocean State Longevity we take your health, lifestyle, and goals into account when deciding on the best testosterone option for you. We will explain the differences between the different forms of testosterone and together decide which is best for you and your lifestyle.

  • As with any therapy, the risks and benefits must be understood and considered before initiating any treatment. Your current symptoms and state of health will be thoroughly reviewed to determine if TRT is the best course of action for you at this time.

    We will review all documented potential side effects that may occur with testosterone replacement. Some are common as you adjust to the new level of testosterone in your body and others may occur as a result of taking testosterone.

    Some common side effects are fluid retention and weight gain as you adjust to the new levels. Some men will feel breast tenderness or nipple sensitivity as testosterone converts down to some estrogen which can be managed. Mood swings but often improved mood is noted. Elevated red blood cell count as testosterone encourages the body to make more red blood cells. Hair loss or anxiety can occur. Facial or body breakouts can be provoked by high levels of testosterone and testicular shrinkage can be expected with any type of testosterone treatment as your body will significantly decrease the amount of sperm made.

  • Conventional medicine defines low testosterone as a total testosterone level under 300 on two separate blood tests done before 10am (testosterone is highest around 6am in men). Men typically start feeling subtle effects or symptoms of low testosterone when levels fall below 600 which is why your medical history and symptoms are so important.

    At Ocean State Longevity, we treat the patient, not the number. We do an in-depth review of your health and review all lab work which together give us a much bigger picture of your health and which treatments are right for you.

  • Our competitive pricing structure ensures affordable out-of-pocket payments, eliminating the worry of insurance hassles, waiting for coverage, or prior approvals.