Female Bioidentical Hormone Optimization

With our Vitality and VitalityPlus options, we can customize your plan to meet your unique hormonal needs whether you are experiencing perimenopausal symptoms, menopause symptoms, or are looking to optimize longevity and performance. Let us help you achieve a better balance!

Benefits of Hormone Balancing

We use natural and bio-identical hormone methods to give your body what it needs to function at an optimal level. When hormone levels are in balance you feel enhanced vitality, optimized energy levels, and overall well-being.

  • Improved Mood

  • Weight Management

  • Mental Clarity

  • Improved Sex Drive

  • More Energy

  • Better Sleep



 If you ever have questions or need guidance at any point, remember that we offer complimentary 15-minute consultations to ensure your peace of mind and confidence in your wellness journey.


Initial Consultation & Lab Review:
Schedule a lab review with one of our providers to ensure FBHRT is your best treatment option. Our team will create a personalized plan designed to address your unique health issues and goals.


If the provider determines you are not a candidate based on your lab results they will work with you to develop an alternative treatment plan to help you reach your health goals.


Lab Work:
Obtain essential lab work to determine your medical eligibility and identify your baseline hormone levels.

Obtain a lab requisition from us for your required tests, take to the lab along with your health insurance card. Alternatively, pay out-of-pocket for lab work and utilize our preferred partners at East Side Laboratory in RI or Quest in MA.

Labs required:
Estradiol, Total & Free Testosterone, Progesterone, DHEA-S, SHBG, FSH, CBC w/diff, CMP, Thyroid Panel


Start Your Treatment:
You will start your hormone therapy treatment plan which may include oral, topical, injectable, or pellet therapy based on your needs. Results are noticeable after 1 to 1.5 months.

Plans Starting at $245/Month

Includes the cost of all prescription and medications delivered directly to you, lifestyle and supplement recommendations, active monitoring and check-ins, and 1 full consultation with a provider every month - including body composition tracking on our SECA Machine.

*The cost of the lab review is nonrefundable even if you are not medically eligible for Hormone Balancing Therapy. Our provider will discuss alternative options if that is the case.


  • Hormone balancing is the process of restoring and maintaining the delicate balance of hormones in a woman’s body. Hormones can become imbalanced for a number of health reasons and at any age. We are typically seeing younger women in their 30’s and 40’s with low levels of hormones or imbalances due to stress, lifestyle, or other medical issues.

    Hormone balancing is especially important in menopause, as hormone levels drop and lead to many uncomfortable symptoms, balancing or replacing hormones can not only help to ease many of the symptoms associated with this transition, but also help prevent many long-term aging issues made worse by low or deficient hormone levels.

  • Natural ways to balance hormones include modifications to your diet, using specific supplements and nutrients, seed cycling to rebalance the menstrual cycle, peptides, and lifestyle modifications. For instance, adding healthy fats like omega-3s and fatty acids can help your body rebalance, and cycling seeds that mimic estrogens and progesterones can support your body’s current levels. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as incorporating a physical fitness routine, stress management, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule can positively affect overall hormonal balance.

  • A standard treatment plan involves taking bio-identical hormones either orally or topically. Many women also choose to use pellet therapy or inject. The way you support or replace your hormones is based on the best option for you and what works best for your lifestyle. We always include dietary, lifestyle, and supplement changes as well to optimize your treatment outcomes.

  • Bio-identical hormone therapy is a hormone replacement therapy that uses hormones that are derived from yam or soy rather than synthetic material or chemicals. These products are seen as identical to the ones produced by the human body, allowing them to be more readily accepted by the body and eliminating the risk of side effects associated with synthetic hormones.

    Bio-identical hormone therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions, including menopause, perimenopause, and adrenal insufficiency. It can also be used to improve fertility, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

    Side effects from bioidentical hormone therapy are rare but can include initial weight gain, bloating, headaches, and mood swings. If you experience any serious side effects, you should stop taking the hormones and consult your provider.

    It's important to talk to your provider about whether bioidentical hormone therapy is right for you. If you're considering this type of therapy, ask about potential risks and side effects.